
Questions ? Look here.

Can I adopt a rabbit for a child?

A rabbit is not a perfectly suitable animal for a child. It should not be adopted to be a cuddly toy for a child but to be a pet for the whole family. To find out more…

Where to adopt a rabbit?

To adopt a dwarf rabbit, you can go to a shelter, an association or a specialised breeder. I advise against buying in pet shops. To find out more…

At what age to adopt a rabbit?

A rabbit can be adopted at any age as long as it has been properly weaned after two months. To find out more…

How much does a rabbit cost for adoption?

A rabbit adopted in an association or shelter is often free of charge. A rabbit bought from a breeder can cost between 30 and 100€ depending on the farm and the region. To find out more…

Is cohabitation between several rabbits possible?

It is possible to have several rabbits live together. It is generally advisable to have a sterilized male and female rabbit live together, but other configurations are possible depending on the characteristics and education. To find out more…

Can I have rabbits live with other animals?

A rabbit can live with different animals such as dogs or cats. Nevertheless, it is important to have a transition and education period.

Is it possible to have a rabbit in town?

The rabbit is an animal that can be quite content to live in the city without a garden and even in a flat. To find out more…


What should I feed my dwarf rabbit?

Rabbits are herbivorous animals. You can give it fresh, green hay as well as vegetables, fruit or pellets. Avoid industrial treats which are often too fatty. To find out more…

How much food for my dwarf rabbit?

The hay must be given in unlimited quantities. The greenery should be given in a proportion of about 100g per kilo per day. As far as pellets are concerned, about 30g per kilo per day should be given. The quantity can vary according to the morphology and activity of your rabbit. To find out more…

Can I feed vegetables to my rabbit?

Yes, the rabbit as a herbivorous animal must eat vegetables and other herbs and plants that it can find in the wild. For an overview of the vegetables allowed, please see my dedicated article on the subject.

Can I give fruit to my rabbit?

Yes, the rabbit as a herbivorous animal loves to eat sweet fruit. So you can give him some from time to time as a little treat. Find out more about it…


Is it possible to educate a dwarf rabbit?

The dwarf rabbit is very intelligent. It is quite possible to teach him to be clean, not to touch certain objects and so on. To find out more…

How do I toilet train my rabbit?

Teaching a rabbit to clean is a long process: you have to be firm and patient. You must be present with your rabbit to reprimand him when he does not relieve himself in the litter box and reward him when he does it properly. Find out more…

What should I do if my rabbit eats my electric wires and chargers?

Rabbits have the annoying tendency to eat electrical wires and chargers. It is therefore important to protect your home to avoid electrocution. To find out more…

Can my rabbit live freedom?

The dwarf rabbit can perfectly live in freedom both indoors and outdoors. However, it is important to have a period of adaptation and to think about securing your home. To find out more…

How do I choose a cage for my dwarf rabbit?

Even if a rabbit must be free as soon as possible or in semi-liberty when there is no other solution, it is important to have a cage for exceptional cases. It is preferable to choose a cage that is as large as possible, about 1m60 to 1m80. To find out more…

Can I go on holiday with my rabbit?
Yes, it is possible to go on holiday with your rabbit and it is even highly recommended. But before leaving, it is important to respect a few strict rules. To find out more…

Daily life

How much does a rabbit cost on a daily basis?

Before adopting, it is important to know that a rabbit can quickly become expensive on a daily basis. This includes the cost of food, toys and accessories, as well as health costs. You can easily manage to spend 300€ per year and per rabbit. To find out more…

How can I save money with my rabbit?

It is very easy to save money when you have rabbits. The first solution is to grow your own vegetables and herbs to feed them. You can also buy hay from wholesalers at a much lower price than in pet shops.

Can I give my rabbit a bath?

No! You should never bathe your dwarf rabbit. Bathing a rabbit is considered animal abuse. The only exception to this rule can only be done under veterinary prescription. For more information…


What is the lifespan of a dwarf rabbit?

The dwarf rabbit is an animal which in its domestic state has a life expectancy of 8 to 10 years. Nevertheless, there has been a real increase in life expectancy in recent years, thanks in particular to better veterinary care. Thus, more and more dwarf rabbits live up to 12 and sometimes even 15 years!

How do I choose a vet for my dwarf rabbit?

The rabbit is a New Pet. This particularity makes him an animal apart, which all veterinarians do not necessarily master. It is therefore important to choose for your rabbit a veterinarian specialised in new pets.

Is it necessary to sterilize your rabbit?

It is very important to have your rabbit sterilized. First of all, to reduce the hormones that make him territorial and aggressive, but also to avoid serious health problems such as cancer. To find out more…

What is the weight of a dwarf rabbit?

It all depends on the breed of dwarf rabbit. A dwarf ram rabbit generally weighs more than other breeds. Generally speaking, the ideal weight of a dwarf rabbit is between 800 grams and 2 kilograms.

When to sterilize your rabbit?

You can have your rabbit sterilized when it has reached sexual maturity. This age generally comes around 6 months and when the rabbit is over 1kg. To find out more…

How much does it cost to sterilise a dwarf rabbit?

Rabbit sterilization is a fairly expensive procedure, but it depends greatly on your region. The price is between 100€ and 200€. To find out more…

Is the rabbit a rodent?

No, the rabbit, although he loves to gnaw, is not a rodent but a lagomorph. To find out more…

What is the body temperature of the dwarf rabbit?

The normal body temperature of the dwarf rabbit is 39°C (or 102.2°F).

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