The dwarf rabbit in winter
Julie Lambert, Paris, France
December 4, 2020
01 – The rabbit and the cold
The rabbit is a hairy animal and therefore better tolerates the cold than the hot. The rabbit is in its comfort zone for temperatures between 10 and 20 degrees Celsius. Therefore if your rabbit lives with you in your house or flat, it will not suffer from the cold during the winter if you don’t take it outside.
02 – A few precautions
However, some precautions must be taken in winter, even if the rabbit can stand the cold well, thanks to its coat, it remains very sensitive to sudden drops in temperature and draughts. You should therefore take care not to leave your rabbit too close to a window in winter when you air your home or to take it out too abruptly in winter when there is more than 10 degrees of difference between your home and the outside.
03 – Winter walks
If your rabbit is used to the outdoors, it will have a fur suitable for winter walks and can therefore go for a walk without risk. On the other hand, if your rabbit is not used to the outdoors, you should be careful, either avoid taking it out or take it out for a short time.
Don’t be worried if your rabbit gets wet during its walk due to humidity, rain or snow, this does not represent any danger for your companion.