The growth of the rabbbit
Julie Lambert, Paris, France
October 19, 2020
Whether you are a future adopter or already in the company of one or more rabbits, it is always interesting to discover or rediscover to what extent these little animals have a unique and extremely fast growth system from the first day of their birth until they are about 1 year old.
In this article, I will present and describe precisely the growth process of the dwarf rabbit using the example of my little female Pipine. As you probably already know Pipine was born on October 19, 2020, at the breeding farm les oreilles gauches located in 91 in Ile-de-France. She is a small dwarf rabbit ram rabbit with long hair in the color of tan otter.
01 – Birth
As previously mentioned, Pipine was born on October 19, 2020, among a sibling group of 6 bunnies. Like all rabbits, she was born deaf, blind and naked but with a functional sense of smell, taste and touch. She stayed for several days in the nest made by her mother.
02 – 2nd week
As the days went by, Pipine, just like her brothers and sisters, grew hairier, gently covering herself with a comforter all over her body. It is only at about 2 weeks that she was completely covered with hair and that all her other senses were awakened.
Pipine accompanied by her brothers and sisters.
Photographed by Vincent Ribet.
03 – 3rd week
After 3 weeks spent glued to her mother, Pipine started to come out of the nest to start living her first adventures with her brothers and sisters and thus begin her period of socialization.
Pipine 3 weeks old.
Photographed by Vincent Ribet.
04 – 4th week
During her 4th week of life, Pipine began to get used to being manipulated by humans and to taste other things than breast milk.
Pipine 4 weeks old.
Photographed by Vincent Ribet.
05 – 6th week
It is only after 6 weeks that Pipine has completed the growth of her teeth. She took the opportunity to discover other animal species such as the dog for example. This allowed her to gradually continue her socialization with humans and other animals.
Pipine 6 weeks old.
Photographed by Vincent Ribet.
06 – 8th week
After 8 weeks, Pipine completed her gradual weaning and was ready to leave her mother to join her adoptive family and discover her new home.
Pipine 8 weeks old. At the bottom left, we can see her daddy.
Photographed by Vincent Ribet.
06 – What next?
At 6 months, Pipine had reached sexual maturity, she could be sterilized. Moreover, she had reached her adult size. As for her adult weight (almost definitive), it was necessary to wait until she was 1 year old, which was celebrated with her on October 19, 2020.
Pipine aged 6 months.
Photographed by Vincent Ribet.